About Ivo Kostov

Иво Костов

Ivo Kostov (IvoKo®, Dr Kostov®) is a certified valuer, a member of the American Society of Appraisers (ASA), the Polish Real Estate Scientific Society, and a founder member of the Chamber of Independent Appraisers in Bulgaria. He has 21 years of professional valuation experience in business enterprises, claims, financial assets and institutions, real estate, machinery and equipment. He is PhD and Associate Professor of Real Estate and Valuation of Assets and Businesses at the University of Economics – Varna, Department of Business, Investment, Real Estate. He offers valuation service, technical expertise and consultancy services, and follows the principles of integrity, speed of execution and respect towards clients. More...



Some life thoughts are published periodically in the rubric. More...


Scientific publications of Ivo Kostov related to relevant subjects connected to valuation activity and the real estate market in Bulgaria. More...


The most commonly asked questions and their answers in regards to services performed by certified valuer Ivo Kostov. More...